Designed Well­be­ing is a private phys­io­ther­apy clinic in Welling­ton, deliv­er­ing a tai­lored service with atten­tion to detail.

What is design Wellbeing?

Our bodies are not perfect, but they have been designed to move in a par­tic­u­lar way.

The problem is, our lifestyles do not reflect this blue­print.

As a result, many of us expe­ri­ence pain. It’s the mes­sag­ing system our bodies use to get our atten­tion.

Many of us want to get rid of pain as quickly as pos­si­ble. However, it presents a unique oppor­tu­nity to explore why our body is sending those signals in the first place.

I spe­cialise in treat­ing people who expe­ri­ence long-term pain. As someone who has always enjoyed sport and move­ment, I know just how frus­trat­ing and unset­tling it can be when you’re injured.

The good news? Pain is not fatal. What matters most is how we respond.

How does it Work?

I’ll conduct a detailed assess­ment of your body, and begin to iden­tify the factors that may be con­tribut­ing to your pain.

My name is Stephen Heron. Over the past 12 years, I’ve been priv­i­leged to help thou­sands of Kiwis back to health.

I pride myself on build­ing strong rela­tion­ships with my patients and under­stand­ing their expe­ri­ence.
When you arrive, we’ll discuss why you’re here, what you’re feeling and what your goals are.

While treat­ing you, I’ll use a com­bi­na­tion of hands-on therapy tech­niques and exer­cises. We may discuss lifestyle mod­i­fi­ca­tions.

I work in part­ner­ship with my patients. This isn’t a passive process. I’ll encour­age you to be part of the solu­tion, but I’ll be along­side you every step of the way.

The Science behind what we do

I draw on a body of work called Func­tional Range Con­di­tion­ing (FRC). This system focuses on cre­at­ing the joint motion needed to move freely, exer­cise safely and func­tion in daily life.

Rather than waiting until an injury occurs, FRC pro­motes joint capac­ity, builds strength and devel­ops control
through­out the body.

By strength­en­ing and con­di­tion­ing the whole body – includ­ing the parts we don’t usually think about – we can reduce the chance of future injury.

I have also had further train­ing in Struc­tural Inte­gra­tion through Anatomy Trains, as well as Connect Therapy and kine­si­ol­ogy taping.


As a phys­io­ther­a­pist I see patients under ACC, as well as pri­vately.

My sched­ule is booked in hourly blocks and all initial appoint­ments will be between 45 and 60 minutes.

I con­tinue to reg­u­larly see patients to treat acute injuries. I also work closely with patients after surgery, offer­ing post­op­er­a­tive
care. I offer a limited number of one-on-one train­ing ses­sions, which are tai­lored to you.

Much of my work now is with patients who have expe­ri­enced pain that did not resolve nat­u­rally.

If you are expe­ri­enc­ing per­sis­tent pain, have suf­fered an injury that is simply not healing or are con­fused about how to manage your phys­i­cal health, I would love to work with you.

Drop us a line

C: 021 294 5781

E: [email protected]

A: inside the life centre,
21 Hania street, Mount Vic­to­ria